Cannabutter machines

Our favorite cannabutter makers in 2023

Updated 11/4/23

Looking to make your own pot butter at home?! You’ve come to the right place to help get that proocess started. Cannabutter is a type of cannabis-infused butter that is used as an ingredient in many recipes. When made correctly, cannabutter can add a unique flavor and pleasant effects to any meal. Cannabutter can be used for baking edibles, adding to sauces for savory dishes, or even just spreading on toast like ordinary butter. To make cannabutter at home, start by decarboxylating your cannabis using heat and stirring it into melted butter on low heat. Once the mixture has been heated up and cooled down again, strain the plant material out through a cheesecloth before storing it in jars or an airtight container in your fridge until you’re ready to use it.

Making baked cannabutter goods at home is much better than buying them in the dispensary because it allows you to customize your creations. And they are fresh! And you know EXACTLY WHAT’S GOING IN THERE. How much as well as how high quality it is. You can choose what ingredients to use, as well as modify recipes to create a unique flavor or texture that suits your tastes. Additionally, homemade treats are often made with fewer processed ingredients and no preservatives, meaning they are fresher, healthier, and tastier than their pre-packaged counterparts. Baking at home with your cannabutter machine is a great way to get creative and have fun in the kitchen! It’s also an enjoyable activity to share with friends or family members as everyone can take part in creating something together.

Another advantage of homemade edibles is the cost savings. Buying pre-made cannabis-infused edibles can be expensive, but making your own allows you to get more bang for your buck. By using your own homemade cannabutter, you can create a variety of edibles without breaking the bank.

Using a cannabutter machine can make the process even easier, as it automates the decarboxylation and infusion process, making it more efficient and precise. A cannabutter machine can also help you control the dosage, ensuring that your edibles are consistent and accurately dosed.

However, it is important to remember that consuming cannabis-infused edibles can be very potent, and the effects may take longer to set in and last longer than smoking or vaping. It is important to start with a small amount and wait a few hours before consuming more to avoid overconsumption.

Overall, making your own cannabutter at home is a great way to get creative and have fun in the kitchen while enjoying the benefits of cannabis. With a bit of experimentation and patience, you can create delicious and potent edibles that are tailored to your unique tastes and preferences.

jar butter

Why cannabutter?

It’s the best way to make tasty at-home edibles. And you get to determine exactly how much you put in the batch. And what strain you want to use! Not to mention the option to use whole nugs if you prefer. Instead of trim or shake for example. And overall, you just know what’s going in there. Skip the artificial ingredients and fillers and stuff like that. With the use of a weed butter machine, making at-home edibles becomes a more enjoyable and customizable experience. You can experiment with different strains and quantities to create the perfect edible for you. You can also have peace of mind knowing exactly what is going into your edibles, allowing you to avoid any unwanted fillers or artificial ingredients. By using whole nugs instead of trim or shake, you can create more potent and flavorful edibles. The quality of your ingredients can make a big difference in the final product, and a weed butter machine allows you to infuse your butter or oil with the highest quality cannabis.

pot butter on the stove

Making weed butter

Making your own weed butter or cannabis oil at home truly is satisfying. They will just taste that much better and most likely work better too! Not to mention the fresh taste. And that’s what these weed butter machines are for! They truly streamline the process and just overall make it that much better. Using a weed butter machine eliminates the need for messy and time-consuming manual preparation methods, like grinding and stirring. With the help of a weed butter machine, you can easily and efficiently infuse your cannabis into butter or oil without the hassle. This not only saves time and effort but also makes the process more consistent and accurate, ensuring that your edibles are evenly and precisely dosed. So why settle for store-bought cannabis-infused products when you can make your own with the help of a weed butter machine and enjoy the fresh taste and potent effects of homemade cannabis-infused butter or oil?

FAQs - Cannabutter Makers

Do people make butter at home still in 2023?

Yes, many people still make butter at home. And will continue to do so in 2024! The process is really simple and involves using a mixer or whisk to agitate heavy cream until it separates into solid chunks of butter and liquid buttermilk. This can take between 5-15 minutes depending on how much cream you are working with and the speed of your appliance. Once separated, the butter is then pressed to remove any remaining liquid and seasoned as desired with herbs, spices, or salt. Homemade butter has a rich flavor and creamy texture that lasts for several weeks if stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. So why not whip up some delicious homemade butter today?

Why is grass fed butter better?

Grass-fed butter is generally considered to be healthier than traditional butter because it contains higher levels of essential Omega 3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid. These compounds can help reduce inflammation in the body, improve heart health, and even fight cancer. Grass-fed butter also contains more vitamins A, D, E, and K2 which are important for maintaining healthy bones, skin, eyesight and a strong immune system. And since grass-fed cows often graze on pasture that hasn’t been exposed to pesticides or other contaminants, their milk is usually free from these substances as well. All of these benefits make grass-fed butter a great choice if you’re looking for a healthier alternative to traditional butter.

Is there a way to control the potency of my cannabutter?

Yes, controlling the potency is done by adjusting the ratio of cannabis to butter. Less cannabis will result in a milder product, while more will increase the potency.

Can I use any type of butter in a cannabutter machine?

It's best to use unsalted butter to control the flavor. However, check your machine's manual to see if there are specific recommendations or restrictions.

How long does it take to make cannabutter in a machine?

Times can vary, but on average it takes about 2 to 4 hours depending on the machine and the quantity of ingredients.

How should I store my cannabutter?

Cannabutter should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness and potency.

Can I freeze cannabutter for later use?

Yes, freezing cannabutter in an airtight container can extend its shelf life up to six months.

How do I choose the right cannabutter machine for me?

Look for a machine that fits your budget, has good reviews, and meets your capacity needs. Features like temperature control, ease of cleaning, and a straightforward operating system can also be important.

What is the difference between making cannabutter with a machine vs the traditional stovetop method?

Cannabutter machines simplify and automate the process, ensuring consistent quality and potency, whereas the stovetop method can be more labor-intensive and may result in varying potency.

How do I clean my cannabutter machine?

Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Typically, parts that come in contact with the ingredients should be washed with warm, soapy water or be dishwasher safe.

What are the benefits of using a cannabutter machine?

They offer convenience, consistency in the end product, and can save time compared to traditional methods.

Can I use my cannabutter machine for other infusions, like oil or tinctures?

Yes, most cannabutter machines are versatile and can be used for making infused oils or tinctures. Check your machine’s instructions for guidelines on how to make other infusions.

What are healthier alternatives to butter?

Ghee and coconut oil are both healthy alternatives to butter. Ghee is a type of clarified butter that has been heated until all the liquid and solids have separated. It contains higher levels of essential fatty acids and vitamins than regular butter, making it a healthier option for cooking and baking. Coconut oil is another great alternative to traditional butter as it’s high in healthy saturated fats, has antibacterial properties and can help lower cholesterol levels. If you’re looking for something vegan-friendly, olive oil or avocado oil can be used as substitutes for butter in many recipes.

These are just a few of the possibilities when it comes to healthier alternatives to butter - so explore your options and find what works best for you!

What are the best edibles to make at home with my new cannabutter maker?

From the classic brownies to now popular gummies, here are some of our favorite edibles to make at home:

  • Gummies: Cannabis-infused gummies by dissolving gelatin in a mixture of water, sweetener, and cannabutter. Once the mixture is fully dissolved, you can pour it into molds and let it set.

  • Hard candies: Make 420 hard candies by dissolving sugar and cannabutter in a pan and adding flavorings and colorings. Once the mixture is fully dissolved, you can pour it into molds and let it set.

  • Caramel candies: Make weed-infused caramel candies by heating sugar, cream, cannabutter and flavorings. Once the mixture is fully dissolved, you can pour it into molds and let it set.

  • Chocolate truffles: You can make cannabis-infused chocolate truffles by melting chocolate and cannabutter together, adding any additional flavorings or coatings, and rolling the mixture into balls.

  • Brownies: One of the most classic cannabis edibles, brownies are a simple and delicious way to use cannabutter. Simply replace the regular butter in your favorite brownie recipe with cannabutter and bake as usual.

  • Cookies: Another classic option, cookies can be made using cannabutter in place of regular butter. You can use your favorite cookie recipe and simply swap out the butter.

  • Chocolate bars: Melt chocolate and cannabutter together and pour into molds to make homemade cannabis chocolate bars.

  • Mac and cheese: Cannabutter can be used to make a cheesy, cannabis-infused macaroni and cheese. Simply replace the butter in your recipe with cannabutter.

  • Soup or stew: cannabutter can be used as a flavor-enhancer in soups and stews, it is specially good with creamy soups.

  • Muffins: You can also use cannabutter to make cannabis-infused muffins, simply replace the butter in your recipe with cannabutter.